Học tiếng Anh chủ đề Khoa học
Cách xoa dịu sự kích động thần kinh
Is There a Quick Way to Calm My Nerves?When you need to dial down your body’s fight-or-flight response and still those trembling muscles, reassure your brain with some simple deep breathing. The starter engine for your inner emergency alarm is an almond-shaped brain region called the amygdala, which screens what
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Chat GPT là gì?
ChatGPT, the free chatbot released in November 2022 by artificial intelligence (AI) research company OpenAI, has taken the internet by storm. In its first months of existence, ChatGPT inspired users to imagine a host of use cases for the model, including using ChatGPT to negotiate parking tickets, make workout plans, resumes, and
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Tại sao tôi thích ăn vặt – junk food?
I want to eat healthily, so why do I eat junk food?Your body is biologically hardwired to crave sugar, fat, and salt to survive potential famine. Sugar is released by the body as fast-acting energy; fat gives an incredibly concentrated supply of long-term fuel; and salt is essential for body-fluid
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Có thể ăn bao nhiêu đường một ngày?
How much Sugar can I have?The WHO recommends five teaspoons of sugar a day. It’s easy to keep track of the sugar we add to our tea, but it’s important to watch out for less obvious sources.Sugar itself is not the demon – the devil is in the dose. The
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Đường hay mỡ có hại cho sức khoẻ?
It was back in 1972, when British researcher John Yudkin published his book Pure, White and Deadly, that the warning was first sounded to the world about the health risks of eating too much sugar. Cast out as a crackpot by the scientific world at large, Yudkin turned out to be
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Ăn nhiều đường dẫn đến nhiều bệnh tật
Why is sugar so irresistible? Sugar – no one needs it, but everyone loves it.  Your body regards sugar as a true wonder food – you have taste buds devoted to sensing it and reward centers in your brain that generate intense pleasure when you eat it. Why? Because it
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